Auction Details
Lots 1 to 27 are located West of Saskatoon Approx 10 miles . Seller contact is Ed 1-306-227-3932.
Lots 100 and up located West of Saskatoon Approx 10 miles Seller contact is Glenn 1-306-229-3096.
These places are only 3 miles apart .PICK UP AUG 10TH FROM 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM & AUG 11TH FROM 9:00 AM TO 12 NOON EVERYTHING MUST BE PICKED UP BY AUG 17TH
Lots 1 to 27 are located West of Saskatoon Approx 10 miles . Seller contact is Ed 1-306-227-3932.
Lots 100 and up located West of Saskatoon Approx 10 miles Seller contact is Glenn 1-306-229-3096.
These places are only 3 miles apart.
For more information please email our office at or call at 306.975.9054.
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179 - Lot of Caulking, Slow Cure Epoxy, Roof Repair, Utility Knife, Diesel Injector Cleaner, Misc.Bodnarus Auctioneering & Real Estate
Lot of Caulking, Slow Cure Epoxy, Roof Repair, Utility Knife, Diesel Injector Cleaner, Misc.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5.00) = 5.00